Mittwoch, 15. August 2012

Riding the 7.5 ton beast ^^ ... QUEST ACCOMPLISHED!

It's never as good ~ as the first time <3
~ Riding a light weight 7.5 to. Truck (l = 8.20m / w = 2.55m / h = 3.70m).

Because of my German driving license from 1989 (it's PINK!)  I am allowed to ride light weight trucks up to 7.5 tons (you don't need an extra qualification to do this - it just comes with the normal license for cars ;p).

Since the company I work for (usually in the office only) had ordered some new office equipment they needed someone to drive a rental truck and get the stuff back to our company.
The guy who was supposed to drive and works in the warehouse did only have a 'new' license for small trucks up to 3.5 tons only - and since I am someone who can't say no to something like this (actually it was nice to leave the office for a day and drive around) - plus I compare life with a RolePlaying game (e.g. Skyrim) - and when there is a new quest - of course I want to PLAY !!!

Actually I don't have any experience in driving such a big car! ... the biggest one was an RV and that was much smaller - and that's already 8 year ago ;p

So this morning when I we got the car from the rental company I was very exciting. When I saw it I just thought: OMG! *__* ... what now? xDDD --> and here is the beast :D

Inside all was much easier than I thought - and actually quite fun because driving is so different compared to a small car ... I loved the sound of the air compressed brakes (whoosh!) the whole time - the sound of the turbo when stepping on the gas - the high view where you could see so much more landscape than usually - and look down on all other cars which were so small ! ;p 

I enjoyed today! ...  completely felt like 19 y.o. again - when I did service as a bus driver for the Red Cross - fro handicapped people ... and that of course included also silly things ;p 

That poor guy today. Was turning left with that light weight 7.5 ton truck - did not see him at all and just stepped on the gas. Just when my co-driver said " Hey! don't you see that man there?! in front of you !!!" I braked so hard and stopped just in
 front of him (as you know a truck makes a lot of noise when braking ! (compressed air brake) - and that guy almost had an heart attack : holding his right hand on his heart!! ... 

and what did I do? - I just started to laugh so loud (windows were down) - and he screamed: "And you are laughing about it !!!! " ... and I laughed even more xDDD'D

Guess he thought his life was going to end today...  and the last thing he saw was this ! 

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